

Hibiscus, Sudanese Rose, Hibiscus - a kind of flower tea, which with the usual black or green tea has nothing to do. Hibiscus harvested on plantations Sudan and Egypt from hibiscus plants. In the ancient oriental medicine Hibiscus always used as a hypotensive, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory agent. Hibiscus tea is rich in fruit acids, essential amino acids, digestible carbohydrates, trace elements, macro-elements, bioflavonoids. Hibiscus comprises quercetin, which enhances vision, helps in the treatment of eye diseases. Hibiscus, despite the fact that it contains a lot of organic acid contains oxalic acid, therefore can be used safely and by people with kidney disorders. Drink from Hibiscus increases the elasticity of blood vessel walls, strengthening them, normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol in the blood and excrete the "bad" cholesterol, effectively combats bacteria and viruses, has beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses and stimulates liver treats allergies, removes hangover and struggling with the effects of alcohol intoxication. Drink Hibiscus has a unique feature: drunk hot - it can increase pressure and drunk cold - lowers blood pressure. This property allows the use of hibiscus tea in the treatment of both hypertension and hypotension. Hibiscus tea from a positive effect on the body by dysbacteriosis, food poisoning, bacterial and viral contamination of the intestines - it kills pathological microflora, stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Tea made from hibiscus and has a pronounced anthelmintic action. This is - an environmentally friendly product that can be used practically everyone, regardless of age, and diseases of the body. Hibiscus flowers are not only the raw material for tea: fresh petals of this plant are added to salads, sauces, stewed with meat and vegetables. Hibiscus seeds fried and put into soups and main dishes, dips and sauces. Hibiscus tea is perfectly quenches thirst in the heat, thanks to the content in the petals of a large amount of citric acid. This property allows the Hibiscus tea drunk at the high temperature of the body to get rid of fever and fight the infection. Hibiscus is very effective with flu, serves as an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent. Hibiscus tea has a mild choleretic and diuretic properties, to cope with the swelling and a lethargy gallbladder stone dissolves and removes salt from the body for gout. Hibiscus can be successfully be used by people suffering from insomnia or neurotic disorders: it soothes, relaxes and relieves spasms.
Secrets of proper cooking healthful drink Hibiscus: Water for hibiscus should be soft and filtered. Dishes for brewing tea should be used porcelain, ceramic, glass. In a metal bowl Hibiscus loses its beneficial properties and taste, becomes muddy hue. The Hibiscus drink, you can add lemon, mint and tea brew. Brew the tea hibiscus exactly the same as regular tea, considered wrong - drink Hibiscus need to boil for a few minutes at the boil under a cover to all nutrients petals gave the drink. If the beverage is consumed cold, then it should also cool under the hood. To prepare the drink must take dry tea Hibiscus rate of 1 tablespoon per cup of water.


Marjoram improves digestion, enhances the formation of gastric juice and bile. Infusion herb has antispasmodic, antiseptic, diuretic, tonic and antiscorbutic properties. It is recommended for gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, chronic cholecystitis, enterocolitis, flatulence, as well as headaches, insomnia, menstrual disorders, vomiting, gastro-intestinal colic. Infusion of marjoram is used in cough with abundant phlegm, bronchitis, pneumonia. Marjoram assembled with other herbs used in paralysis, neurasthenia, asthma and rhinitis. It is used internally in the form of infusion and externally for baths and poultices for the wound. Chopped fresh grass at night is applied to the sore blisters.
Method of preparation and application: 4 teaspoons minced raw 1 cup of boiling water, to insist 15 - 20 minutes, drain. Take of 0.25 cup 4 times a day for 15 - 20 minutes before meals. Tea made from marjoram 1 - 2 tablespoons herb pour 14 liters of boiling water, infuse for 5 minutes, strain and drink 1 - 2 cups per day in small sips.


Helba (fenugreek, Hilb, fenugreek, Chaman, fenugreek, Greek Hay, Greek goat shamrock, cocked hat, camel grass) - is popular all over the world. Helba is one of the best home remedies for colds and lung diseases, it is used in influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, a protracted, chronic cough, asthma. It is also a valuable source of protein. Modern research has confirmed that helba is an excellent medicine for the treatment of diseases affecting women. Seeds helba contain diosgenin, in structure and action similar to the female sex hormone estrogen. Helba first application gives a peculiar smell sweat (strong cleaning properties). But under the daily care of the body and use enough fluid a smell can be avoided. For colds recommended 2 teaspoons of seeds to boil in 1 cup water 5 - 10 minutes. simmered with dates, figs and honey (can be combined). Take 3 - 4 times a day for half a glass of drinking water. When dry cough helps milk broth helby. When the pain in the throat may be rinsed with infusion: 2 tablespoons seed helby simmer for 30 minutes. in 0.5 liters of water to remove, let stand 15 minutes.
Contraindications: Do not use helba during pregnancy because it has abortive effect, as well as vaginal bleeding.


The anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic. It is recommended for inflammation of the gallbladder, liver, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, flatulence, enterocolitis, gastritis and enteritis, cholecystitis, in tumors of the spleen, incontinence, and increased sweating. It purifies the blood, treats respiratory system, liver, stomach, skin.


Fennel is recommended for digestive problems, such as spastic colitis, flatulence, gastritis, intestinal colic, indigestion. This plant helps to relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, thus helping to relieve spasms in the intestine. To get rid of these disorders, you should drink an infusion made from one or two little spoons of fennel seeds, brewed one cup of boiling water. A five grams of cooked dry seeds, brewed a cup of boiling water enema can help your child get rid of colic and gases in the stomach. Fennel is often used in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. If you have the flu, you need to prepare an infusion of five grams of fennel seeds per cup of boiling water. Cooked fennel infusion will help you to clear your airways of mucus. If you use a lower dose - this is a good preventive measure against colds and flu. And if you combine the fennel with some other herbs (mint, anise, mother and a stepmother, and other), the fennel acts as an expectorant for dry bronchitis and upper respiratory tract. It has long been in folk medicine fennel was used to enhance the inflow of milk in nursing mothers, and to normalize the menstrual cycle. Through most of the studies it has been proven that it has estrogenic effects, that is, he seems to act with a female sex hormone. Precisely because of this woman's cycle and lactation and regulated during the passage of the treatment by this plants. At the same time if a nursing mother does not have enough milk, then it is recommended to drink three to four cups a day of tea from fennel (is possible make a tea by brewing one or two little spoons of fennel seeds to a cup of boiling water). This tea helps relieve menopause. But a pregnant woman drinking this tea in large quantities is not recommended.

Pepper mint

Peppermint improves digestion, eliminates nausea, has choleretic properties, is used in asthma, flatulence. Broth mint drink as a sedative, in inflammatory processes in the bronchi, lungs, as well as cardiovascular, gynecological diseases. Decoction of the leaves of mint disinfect the mouth in various inflammatory processes. They relieve abdominal pain, heart pains, heartburn. Mint baths have soothing properties.
How to use:  30 g per 1 liter of hot water. Cool it, add sugar or honey to taste.


Anise is valuable for its seeds and fruits. Of them make decoctions and infusions, has an antipyretic, antispasmodic, diuretic and diaphoretic properties. Fruits of anise have a disinfectant and expectorant properties as well as anise stimulates the secretory and motor functions of the digestive system, so useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to apply it when you cough, bronchial spasms, asthma, increased excitability of the cardiovascular system, dizziness, headaches, flatulence, colic children, lack of milk.
How to use: 30 g per 1 liter of hot water. Cool it, add sugar or honey to taste.

Lemon grass

Lemon grass has a disinfecting and refreshing effect. Used for skin problems, muscle pains, with poor blood circulation and hypotension, headaches, nervous exhaustion, fatigue, stress. Also it to improve digestion and reduce gas formation in the intestine and stomach pain.